Do you know where your fruit and veg come from?

Loads of great produce is grown right here by hard working farmers all over the UK.

Do you know where your fruit and veg come from?  blog image


Why you should be putting local produce back on your table

I came across this article about a recent survey conducted on behalf of Crosse and Blackwell, the soup makers.

The survey which polled 2000 adults, found that many didn’t know where lots of everyday fruit and vegetables were from, and thought that many originated in the UK such as sweet potatoes, avocados, pineapples, and butternut squash.

I’m not going to repeat the whole article, please check out the link for more info, but it got me thinking about the produce that we eat.

British Produce

When I was a child most of our fresh produce was from Britain, sure we had bananas and oranges but none of the exotic fruit and veg we have now. I can’t even remember there being avocados.

Anyway, the point is most people now don’t have any idea where the produce they’re eating is from, even though 65% of them say that would rather eat British fruit and veg and 77% thought it was “important” for UK companies to support UK suppliers.

Loads of great produce is grown right here by hard working farmers all over the UK, so if we're serious about eating local, the first thing to learn is what fruit and veg is grown on our own doorstep and make an effort to seek it out when we’re in the supermarket.

Look for the Union Jack on boxes or check the labels, if you’re using a market ask them where their produce is from. The more demand for British produce the more there will be!

Seasonal eating

One thing about eating locally produced food is that instead of eating the same old thing over and over we can eat seasonally.

I think the best example of this is Asparagus. The British harvesting season is pretty short from April 23rd to Midsummer's day in June. I always get excited when we are nearing the beginning of the season and don’t eat asparagus from abroad the rest of the year. That way it keeps it really special.

I think this is how we should think of local fruit and veg, as a treat when it comes in and something to look forward to when it’s in season, new varieties and recipes to try.  Make eating seasonal food a pleasure and an excuse to try new ideas.

This chart from the vegetarian society is a good guide to when what’s in and what’s not.

Eating more local veg is good for us and the planet.

We all know that we should be eating more vegetables for our health, the government recommends 5 portions a day, which only 29% of the population manage! Check out Veg Facts from the Food Foundation.

A national statistic publication published in May, on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet in England, says “Poor diet and nutrition are recognised as major contributory risk factors for ill health and premature death”.

Eating healthily, which includes more fruit and vegetables, is not an option it’s a necessity, we just need to make it the norm.

On an environmental level, eating local produce is far greener, think of all the air miles associated with importing.

In addition, there’s been a lot of coverage in the media recently about the environmental impact of producing meat. I’m not saying cut it out, maybe just down a bit and top up that extra room on the pale with more local veg.

So, with all of the great fruit and veg grown here, let’s start eating more local produce and view our seasonal offerings as something that’s exciting and to be looked forward to.

Surya Wright

Surya Wright

Co-founder, production manager

I'm our communications and marketing person, dealing with social media and copywriting. I also work with Matt and Ric overseeing the design and strategic management of the site. I'm also the author of the Eva the Hungry Amoeba children's book series (only one so far). You can find it on Amazon. My favourite foods, shepherds pie and smoked haddock!

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