The Perfect Vegan Thanksgiving Feast

Have a feast without the beast

The Perfect Vegan Thanksgiving Feast blog image


Fear not vegans, we have a Thanksgiving feast just for you!

Thanksgiving is  here, and while most of America will be chowing down on turkey it can be a difficult time for vegans. Well, fear not, as we have the perfect vegan thanksgiving feast for you.

These colourful dishes are packed full of nutrients, so not only are they delicious but they're great for you too!

Main: Roasted butternut squash stuffed with veg

As your centerpiece try a one (or more!) of these stuffed butternut squashes. 

These bundles of warmth  are filled with mushrooms, quinoa, spinach and pine nuts which work so well with the sweet flavour of the squash.

They're also super tasty and are packed full of goodness to detox your liver and brain, protect your heart and may help reduce cognitive decline. Wow!

Side 1: Braised red cabbage

Add some colour to the table with this fabulous braised red cabbage dish. Now, this is much more than a boring old dish of cabbage, it’s got cider, apples and spices to really give it the wow factor.

Not only does it taste great, it’s is full of antioxidants and is good for your immune system. 

Side 2: Warm beetroot, green bean and quinoa salad

This fantastic warm salad makes a great change from your run of the mill side dishes and will add a nice crunch if you keep the green beans al dente. 

Plus it's great for your DNA, will give you energy and protect your heart. 

Side 3: Mixed tomato salad

More colour! Not only does this mixed tomato salad look amazing it tastes amazing too. The subtle flavour differences in the tomatoes really shine through and the slight bitterness of the radicchios, complements them perfectly. Then the addition of basil leaves rounds the whole dish off wonderfully.  

It’s also a great immune system booster and will look after your sight! 

Side 4: Roasted garlic mashed potato

Who doesn’t love mashed potato on a cold fall day. This thanksgiving staple will warm your cockles and the addition of garlic gives a bit of a kick.

The addition of soya milk gives it a lovely creaminess and also looks after your blood while the phytochemicals in the potatoes will look after your cells.

Dessert: Vegan pecan pie

We scoured the web to find the best vegan pecan pie recipe for you and we think this is it! 

Now, as its not on our site we don’t have the exact nutrition info for you, but we can tell you that pecans are great for your immune systems and cells, due to the phytochemicals in them.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

I hope you enjoy your vegan feast. Please let us know what you thought in the comments below and share with your friends. Did you manage to convert any meat eaters with the great stuffed squash?

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Ric Pestano

Ric Pestano


What I love about CheckYourFood is how I'm still surprised by the nutritional content of the foods I eat. I love learning and CheckYourFood is an amazing journey of discovery through health and nutrition, and something I really love: FOOD.

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