What's CheckYourFood ever done for me?

How using CheckYourFood has changed our lives!

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What's CheckYourFood ever done for me?

At CheckYourFood we come to work because we love it and we can’t stop telling everyone about what we do. Some of our friends think we’re obsessed and they’re right!

We can’t help it, we’ve all seen such great improvements in our own health since we started, and to witness that in other people is an amazing feeling.

Now, we recently wrote a blog called 'Why use CheckYourFood.com?' But what you really wanted to know was this:

How has it helped you guys?

Well apart from the natural health benefits that come from hitting your RDA’s (recommended daily amounts) here are our personal gains, things that we really notice.

Matt -

Since I started the food diary my immune system is much stronger. Colds and chest infections that used to last 2 weeks are over and done within 24 hours.

I used to have rashes all over my body, from food intolerance's that I didn’t know about. I now have a few small patches and they are getting less and less. I can now control them by checking the allergies in the foods I eat.

I needed a tooth replacing that had been crowned as it was so sensitive I couldn’t even eat mashed potato, I can now crunch nuts with ease and no pain.

My long sightedness was deteriorating from +1 to 1.5 and + 2. My reading glasses are now back down to +1!


I was severely lacking in calcium (which I only discovered after keeping my food diary) which can lead to a loss in bone density. I’m only 5 foot tall; I really don’t want a loss in bone density! I’m also lactose intolerant so it was a Godsend to find out I could get calcium from sources other than dairy.

We live on the second floor or our apartment block, with 4 flights of stairs and where I used to be dragging myself up the last flight, I now have the energy to walk up easily.

I’m asthmatic and I barely use my inhaler anymore. My asthma is very allergy-related; especially cats. This summer I stayed at the houses of two friends, with cats, without any need for my inhaler. I can’t explain how much of a change this is, I would literally be puffing away after an hour and usually have to leave earlier than I had intended before.

And like Matt my immune system is way stronger. I get fewer colds; basically everything just goes away real quick.

Ric -

Ditto for me , my immune system’s way better than it was, dealing with colds and viruses really quickly. Which is great as I have two young daughters in nursery who are constantly bringing home some bug or other from the other kids.

Also I find that my focus and creativity has been enhanced. It used to be that when I got home from work I was mentally drained and all I could do was watch TV. Now when I get home, after cooking and putting my daughters to bed, I still have the mental focus and creativity to direct onto other hobbies.

I've been taking a tea spoon of capers twice a day in the spring for two years now to combat hay fever, the change has been astonishing. Before, even with the hay fever tablets, I'd still have a foggy head and could break into a sneezing fit at any time. Now I have a clear head, it's so great to be able to think again in the summer! I get the occasional sneeze, but nothing like before and no itchy eyes.

How can you reap these benefits too?

So if you want to start feeling healthier sign up for a Free for Life Account , start keeping your food diary and see the changes that you can make for a happier, healthier you!

Next week find out how CheckYourFood has changed one users life!

Surya Wright

Surya Wright

Co-founder, production manager

I'm our communications and marketing person, dealing with social media and copywriting. I also work with Matt and Ric overseeing the design and strategic management of the site. I'm also the author of the Eva the Hungry Amoeba children's book series (only one so far). You can find it on Amazon. My favourite foods, shepherds pie and smoked haddock!

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